Preparing for Brexit
Columbia Threadneedle Investments has a comprehensive plan in place to prepare for potential impacts in the event of a “no deal” Brexit (that is, the UK leaving the EU without an agreed deal or transition plan in place). Our aim is to provide certainty and continuity for our clients, regardless of the final Brexit outcome. Where there will be impacts, we will aim to communicate as early as possible and work to minimise any disruptions.
We are actively engaging with our industry association and other relevant bodies to ensure we are abreast of the latest intelligence as well as any relevant industry views and plans.
We don’t currently anticipate major operational changes or changes to the level of service we provide. As clearer direction is received from UK and EU governments and regulators, we will inform you of any operational changes needed.
Information regarding our completed asset transfer programme can be found here.
If you have any concerns or questions, please call us on +352 46 40 10 7020 (calls may be recorded) or contact your Sales representative.